
In this page You can download installation package of Quadrax IV game (version 2.0):
(File size is 26 480 689 B.)

Number of downloads:

If you have problems downloading the file, you can visit the page where you will find downloads for all of my Quadraxes.

Update from versions 1.00 - 1.05 to final 2.0 version: quadrax_iv_2.0_update.exe
Update can be used to any game version!
If You playing any modification, after update You must again install the same modification. (Updrade to upper version game don't affect.) (Update file size is 1 590 662 B.)

Update Font FIX: Quadrax4_font_fix.exe
The update fixes a problem with incorrect display or disappearance of fonts in the game. Install last. (Update file size is je 516 560 B.)

© 2000-2008 ALFALINE